Elementary spring concert link now available!
Concert starts at 7:00

FFA Ag Issues team gets high praise on their presentation skills and ability to defend their statements on sustainable agriculture!

Thank you to every student that applied for National Honor Society membership this year. NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. Congratulations to Oakland-Craig's new National Honor Society members:
Mya Guzinski
Jaden Harney
Megan Bousquet
Cole Bures
Ashten Rennerfeldt
Josie Richards
Edie Anderson
Jaron Meyer
Michael Brands
Blake Johnson
Marissa Mulder
Rebekah Sechler
Gavin Enstrom

Thank you Tyler Hartwell of Bayer Animal Health for explaining animal illness and how to manage it! #OCFFA

Attending the Oakland Women's Club Fling on April 12th? Want to give your little lady some special treatment? Let the OC Dance team help pamper them by doing their hair and nails. Follow the link below for details!

O-C FFA grateful for support after sucessful and always entertaining labor auction!

O-C FFA grateful for support after sucessful and always entertaining labor auction!

Thanks for your generosity toward North Bend! If you missed this load, you get a second chance. Tekamah-Herman is taking a load on Thursday (3/21).

Updated list of items needed for North Bend

We have a couple vehicles taking supplies to North Bend Wednesday (3/20) at 4:00. Supplies can be brought to the Elementary office or the High School Library.

Blood drive runs until 2:00 at OC Elementary 3/19/19

NEED SOME HELP? FFA Labor Auction is Tuesday, March 19 @ 7 pm in the new gym!

Pops Concert Program

Pops concert Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. Also available via YouTube Stream:

Lunch menu can be found under Menu > Dining
I think I have this week correct or close to it now! (Thanks, Paula!)
You can also download the Oakland-Craig App via the Apple app store and Google Play store. Search for "Oakland-Craig" It gives an nicer view of the information on this page!

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Education of the
School District of Oakland-Craig, in the County of Burt, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a
School District No. 014, has been scheduled on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.
This meeting will be held at the Oakland-Craig Elementary Building at Oakland,
NE, in the Board meeting room, which meeting will be open to the public.
The agenda is available for public inspection at the office of the Superintendent.
Julie Ehlers

Dance Team gets State Runner-Up!

State Wrestling Results!

Congratulations to our Wrestlers on a great year. Jeffy, Justyn, Trenton, Tom and Jarron on making State!

Girls Basketball tonight vs Wisner-Pilger at Pender at 6:00 p.m. Student Section Theme: White Out