Choirs are starting! Lyons-Decatur Archbishop Bergan Scribner-Snyder Mead Cornerstone Christian Omaha Christian Academy
almost 6 years ago, Gerald Brand
Jazz Bands Archbishop Bergan Oakland-Craig Brownell Talbot #1 Logan View Brownell Talbot #2 Yutan Cedar Bluffs Live Feed:
almost 6 years ago, Gerald Brand
Next stream: Yutan Logan View Tekamah-Herman Oakland-Craig Brownell Talbot
almost 6 years ago, Gerald Brand
Join the OC Dance team and the OWC for the Spring Fling tonight!
almost 6 years ago, Elyce Peterson
Watch the live feed today for links to the performance streams! The Band Schedule is attached and the the first stream link is here:
almost 6 years ago, Gerald Brand
Band Schedule
OC art students did extremely well yesterday at the EHC Art Show. We were awarded 39 ribbons with two of those being High Distinctions/Best of Category. If you see any of these kiddos congratulate them on their hard work throughout the school year! Gracie Monson Purple High Distinction in Sculpture (other) Grace Pille Blue (1st) in Acrylics Mequel Wilson White (3rd) in Collage Carter Anderson White (3rd) in Charcoal Red (2nd) in Collage Blue (1st) in Pottery (hand built) Megan Bousquet Red (2nd) in Collage Blue (1st) in Ink White (3rd) in Mixed Media White (3rd) in Watercolor Zoe Linder Red (2nd) in Ink White (3rd) in Marker Blue (1st) in Watercolor Jack Smith White (3rd) in Ink Jess DeLeon Guerrero White (3rd) in Ink Karah Johnson Red (2nd) in Charcoal Blue (1st) in Collage White (3rd) in Tempera Blue (1st) in Photography Red (2nd) in Photography Rebekah Sechler White (3rd) in Collage Josh Monson Blue (1st) in Colored Pencil Florence Aebersold White (3rd) in Graphite Blue (1st) in Tempera Red (2nd) in Tempera Celeste Allen-Lopez Red (2nd) in Pastels/Chalk Rheanna Paul Red (2nd) in Photography Ashten Rennerfeldt Blue (1st) in Photography Red (2nd) in Photography Juli Berling Red (2nd) in Pottery (hand built) Mariah Maya Purple High Distinction in Photography Katie Smith Blue (1st) in Charcoal Mia Linder Red (2nd) in Collage Blue (1st) in Photography Kiley Arlt Blue (1st) in Ink Olivia Unwin White (3rd) in Pottery (hand built) Red (2nd) in Computer Art White (3rd) in Computer Art Ayden Lierman White (3rd) in Photography
almost 6 years ago, Angie Meyer
Purple High Distinction in Sculpture (other)
Mariah Maya Purple High Distinction in Photography
Grace Pille Blue (1st) in Acrylics
Karah Johnson Red (2nd) in Charcoal
We have great kids at O-C! Gabby and Ashley just stepped up to help a community member in need with yard work!
almost 6 years ago, Kylie Penke
Gabby and Ashley just stepped up to help a community member in need with yard work!
THANK YOU TRACI SECHLER for helping the Food Science discover the science of bread making! We can't wait to eat it!
almost 6 years ago, Kylie Penke
Traci Sechler explaining why kneading bread is important.
Traci Sechler teaching how she mills and makes bread!
EMBRYOLOGY TIME with our favorite chicken lady, Mary Loftis! Thank you for stepping up the science while still giving us a project that is loved by all!
almost 6 years ago, Kylie Penke
The egg break challenge--can you keep the yoke intact?
Mary Loftis teaching embryology
The EHC Art Show is Wednesday, April 10th, at the Nielsen Center in West Point. Public viewing is from 3 p.m.- 6 p.m. with a judge critique at 6 p.m.
almost 6 years ago, Angie Meyer
STATE FFA TEAM RESULTS Agronomy: 9th/104 Ag Issues: 5th Meats: 36th/104 Natural Resources: 39th/114 Biotechnology: 20th/24 Livestock Evaluation: 42nd/50 Agriscience: 109th/113 (unable to take test, but completed the practicum)
almost 6 years ago, Kylie Penke
8th grade art students working on their Agriculture Barn Quilt.
almost 6 years ago, Angie Meyer
Agriculture Barn Quilt
8th grade art students working on their Agriculture Barn Quilt.
almost 6 years ago, Angie Meyer
OC 8th graders have been busy collaborating in art. Each group has researched, designed, and painted a barn quilt that will be displayed in the community.
almost 6 years ago, Angie Meyer
American Barn Quilt
Garden Barn Quilt
Swedish Barn Quilt
Nebraska Barn Quilt
OC 8th graders have been busy collaborating in art. Each group has researched, designed, and painted a barn quilt that will be displayed in the community.
almost 6 years ago, Angie Meyer
OC Musical Flier is out!
almost 6 years ago, Gerald Brand
Shrek Flier
Attending the Oakland Women's Club Fling on April 12th? Want to give your little lady some special treatment? Let the OC Dance team help pamper them by doing their hair and nails. Follow the link below for details!
almost 6 years ago, Elyce Peterson
Oakland Women's Club Spring Fling
FFA Day 2, Part 2
almost 6 years ago, Kylie Penke
Group one headed home!
I Believe Fundraiser Recognition
Group pic
State FFA Convention Day 2!
almost 6 years ago, Kylie Penke
Group pic
Group pic
O-C FFA  on the way!
Agriscience team
Concert Program
almost 6 years ago, Gerald Brand