More revised magnificent things! Chart hanger and metal grabber!
First grade working on short O while playing connect 4
The seventh graders were busy this morning glazing their ceramic leaf bowls.
The Bright Knights students participated in a cooking class with Jordan Luxa from UNL extension. This will be every Tuesday for 8 weeks.
Day 2 of creating our most magnificent things in 1st grade!
Mr. Meyer’s 5th grade science discovered an awesome space interactive that allows them to travel to different places in the Milky Way Galaxy.
Mrs. Hagedorn's second graders are working on their math strategies!
More building!
Magnificent update!! Starting to build. 1st graders are so determined to build their solutions to a classroom problem!
It’s a good day for Dairy Judging! #OCFFA
It’s a good day for Dairy Judging! #OCFFA
After 2 days of planning, we finally had Day 1 of building our magnificent things in first grade!
Collaborative opportunities. 21st Century Learning Skills. Highly trained teacher. Relevant curriculum.
Check out just one more amazing opportunity that students are having in Industrial Education with Mr. Rexroad!
Seventh graders used oil pastels to create colorful sunflower drawings.
1st grade Magnificent Thing update... today was tools and materials plan and gather day! We began to plan out and gather our project materials. Thank you to all who donated materials to us😊
1st grade being sentence detectives today and trying to arrange scrambled sentences in the correct order!
Protocols for tonight's home game against David City Aquinas! We are having an O-C Community Black Out! Wear your black Knight gear!
OC students will be required to wear masks at all events, home and away.
Fans are required to wear masks anytime they are 6 feet or closer to other people and at all times in the concession/restroom area. Fans are strongly encouraged to wear masks while in the bleachers and must have masks on when closer than 6 feet from others. Fans should also socially distance in the stands or when they stand along the fence. Fans can remain in their cars as well.
Children will not be allowed to play behind the bleachers during games, unless we are ‘green’ on the latest health department dial. As long as we are ‘yellow’ or above, a child needs to be seated or with his or her parent/guardian.
No fans, parents, etc. will be allowed inside the fence (on the track or football field) following the game.
Players/coaches: Team personnel on the bench should socially distance as best they can, and wear masks when feasible. If the head coach can socially distance, no mask is required.
We will have a concession stand. Single file lines at each window, please follow social distancing guidelines while in line. Masks are required in the concession areas and restrooms.
We will broadcast most home events on our Striv channel.
Tonight’s Rosters!
Thank you to the Friends of Oakland Foundation for providing the funds for the Buddy Bench on our elementary playground. How does it work? If a child is feeling lonely they can sit on the bench and another student will take notice and ask them to play with them. #bekind
Magnificent Things, Day 1... Today we collaborated with our partner to decide what type of “classroom problem” to solve. We came up with...iPad storage, trash picker-upper, door prop, metal detector, and chart storage!