Due to the ongoing Ice Storm Warning and reports of power outages and downed power lines/ tree limbs, O-C schools will have a 2-hour late start today (Tuesday, November 10th) with no AM PK and busses running accordingly.
Due to the ongoing Ice Storm Warning and reports of power outages and downed power lines/ tree limbs, O-C schools will have a 2-hour late start today (Tuesday, November 10th) with no AM PK and busses running accordingly.
Lower elementary became architects by creating spiderwebs this week in STEAM. Using string and glue they created 3D creations to take home.
4th, 5th, and 6th designed and built candy catapults for their Halloween STEAM activity. The goal was a 6 foot launch, but our overall winner shot almost 46 feet. Congratulations to 4th grader Isaias Popoca!
Dear OC Community,
This is Superintendent Jeff Smith with a quick update.
Due to Burt County moving into the Red on the health dial, O-C schools will be taking additional precautionary measures. Starting on Monday, November 9th student lunch schedules will be rearranged to have elementary students eat in their classrooms and 7-12 students in a staggered schedule to have fewer students in the lunch room. Open lunch campus for students in grades 7-12 will be temporarily suspended until further notice. Students may bring their lunch or go home to eat with written permission. As a reminder, all students may eat a school breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE for the entire school year.
A complete list of changes may be found on the school website or going to the provided links. The changes are temporary but will be in place at least to the Thanksgiving Break on November 25th. Conditions will be evaluated each week to determine the best course of action. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate our way through the Covid Pandemic.
Jeff Smith
Please select the links below for details.
Elementary Information
Lunch Permission Form
7-12 Information
We practiced reading words that follow the “floss” rule by playing a game called “rotten bananas”.
We did a close read of a story called Summer Sun Risin’ where the boy lived on a farm. We learned how the sun moves through the sky throughout the day and the activities the boy did on the farm. We love directed drawings so we went with a farm this week! They did great!
The afternoon preschool enjoyed being artists! 🎨
They all created a masterpiece!
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Oakland-Craig, in the County of Burt, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a School District No. 014, has been scheduled on November 9, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Oakland-Craig Elementary Building at Oakland, NE, in the Board meeting room, which meeting will be open to the public. Public access to the Board meeting is also available by clicking on the link posted on the district’s website at https://striv.tv/channel/oakland-craig/.
The agenda is available for public inspection at the office of the Superintendent or on the district’s website at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5epgyF4XIc2X1pvUEZOU2Z2c3M.
We dropped to "red" on the health dial and have a few changes at the elementary to report. Please click the link to learn more! https://5il.co/ms2l
In these uncertain times, nothing makes me happier than this. Meet Herman the skate board cart. He is truly a blessing!
Dear O-C Community,
I want to provide a few updates and clarifications to the current health situation at O-C. Burt County has moved to Red on the health dial. The health department has changed their original recommendations to schools. Instead of closing school in level Red, the new recommendation is to keep schools open if at all possible. There are several reasons for this change. For example, school is a controlled environment with established rules and protocols for masking, social distancing, and symptom monitoring. O-C schools will continue to stay open as long as we can safely meet our staffing requirements and the health department recommends we stay open.
We will have a more detailed joint announcement from both the school and health department this afternoon.
Superintendent Jeff Smith
Oakland-Craig Public Schools
Students colored their masks using squirt bottles.
These after school students painted tin can pencil holders for Halloween.
O-C can be proud of our first time State Land Judging team! The whole team placed in the top half to earn 19th!
The Close Up Volleyball League will be cancelled for this Sunday, November 1st. We are thankful for the support of the many that have made this league successful this year.
Happy Halloween from second grade !
Happy Halloween from 1st grade!
Thank you to our local businesses for a fun afternoon of trick-or-treating!
Happy Halloween from 1st grade! Thank you to our local businesses for making our day complete😊