Senior art student Mikhail Hineline is planning on studying auto mechanics after graduation. For is latest drawing he created a Toyota AE-86. He stated, “I first drew it all out in pencil and then got the idea to fill the background with car parts and what motor the car has. I looked up several companies making sure all the parts shown are Japanese. Some of the minor car parts are American though.”
over 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Mikhail Hineline
The technical difficulties regarding the video have been resolved. Please click the link below to find out what all the construction noise is about. Jeff Smith Oakland-Craig Public Schools
over 5 years ago, O-C Schools
Please visit the attached link to get the latest update on what all the construction noise is about at the Oakland-Craig Schools. Have a Great Weekend!
over 5 years ago, O-C Schools
Senior Jess DeLeon created this colored pencil piece inspired by her little sister. She stated, “This artwork actually turned out better than I imagined the result. Originally, I was never interested in color growing up. I was always interested in pencil because I could erase my mistakes. However, I found it more enjoyable and interesting to make my own art and change things up. It was fun to make mistakes because the way I addressed the problem and fixed it amazed me more.”
over 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Art 2 students created self-portraits that included zentangles, lines, shapes, and patterns to create contrast.
over 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Art 2
Art 2
Art 2
Art 2
After school students are enjoying their time at the Oakland Public Library.
over 5 years ago, Alana Pearson
FFA Fruit Sales Pre-Fruit and More Sales Survey! What are your thoughts?
over 5 years ago, Gerald Brand
The Oakland-Craig Junior High Choir had 17 members perform with this year's Fremont Junior High Honor Choir held each year at Fremont MS. Over 200 singers from 8 schools participated. Alex Hoefling, choir director from Lincoln High School and O-C was the clinician.
over 5 years ago, Bryan Bohn
2019 Fremont JH Honor Choir Participants
The Oakland-Craig Junior High Choir had 17 members perform with this year's Fremont Junior High Honor Choir held each year at Fremont MS. Over 200 singers from 8 schools participated. Alex Hoefling, choir director from Lincoln High School and O-C was the clinician.
over 5 years ago, Bryan Bohn
State Cross-Country Clothing order is going in TUESDAY OCTOBER 22nd by 8:30 AM! Click here to get a better look of download an order form:
over 5 years ago, Gerald Brand
clothing images
7th grade sunflower oil pastel drawings
over 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Book Fair has ARRIVED! Open during conferences and Wednesday 10-noon for Goodies with Grands!
over 5 years ago, Elyce Peterson
Arctic Adventure
No School for Elementary November 1, 2019
over 5 years ago, Jess Bland
Nov. 1 - No School Elem.
Art 1 students created landscapes with the medium of pen. They replicated the textures in nature by using a variety of line techniques
over 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Art 1
Art 1
Art 1
Art 1
Art 1 students created a landscape with the medium of pen. They replicated the textures in nature by using a variety of line techniques.
over 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Art 1
Art 1
Art 1
Art 1
Wow, what a pep rally! Way to go knights!
over 5 years ago, Kylie Penke
Hot dogs and pantyhose make surprisingly good supplies to build intricate muscle models!
over 5 years ago, Kylie Penke
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Oakland-Craig, in the County of Burt, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a School District No. 014, has been scheduled on October 14, 2019 at 8:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Oakland-Craig Elementary Building at Oakland, NE, in the Board meeting room, which meeting will be open to the public. The agenda is available for public inspection at the office of the Superintendent. Secretary, Julie Ehlers
over 5 years ago, Julie Ehlers
Due to concerns about bad weather, the EHC cross country meet has been moved to WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9th with a 1:30 start at Logan View Public Schools.
over 5 years ago, O-C Schools
After school students are loving the STEAM activities!
over 5 years ago, Alana Pearson
Lego’s galore!
Students using the building skills!