We hosted our first after school Olympics. Students competed in a relay race in teams of 5. They had to complete a wheelbarrow race, bean bag toss, jump rope, and potato sack race. We ended the day with tug of war.
over 3 years ago, Alana Pearson
Mr. Meyer’s sixth grade class at the fire prevention and safety demonstration by the Oakland fire department. Thank you for your service!
over 3 years ago, Aaron Meyer
The 5th grade science class did an activity involving a chemical reaction with baking soda and blackberries that allowed for an invisible word(s) to become visible.
over 3 years ago, Aaron Meyer
Here are members of the sixth grade science class looking through microscopes at cells of an onion skin.
over 3 years ago, Aaron Meyer
NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Oakland-Craig, in the County of Burt, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a School District No. 014, has been scheduled on October 11, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Oakland-Craig Elementary Building at Oakland, NE, in the Board meeting room, and will be open to the public. Public access to the Board meeting is also available by clicking on the link posted on the district’s website at https://striv.tv/channel/oakland-craig/. The agenda is available for public inspection at the office of the Superintendent or on the district’s website at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5epgyF4XIc2X1pvUEZOU2Z2c3M.
over 3 years ago, Jess Bland
A big thank you to the Oakland Fire Department for visiting O-C Elementary during Fire Prevention week. We learned how to stay safe during a fire and had so much fun.
over 3 years ago, April Lutz
1st grade presented their final Magnificent Thing project to Kindergarten. They brought their “A” game… they knew exactly what to say, spoke in clear teacher voices, and even addressed questions from the audience! I am so proud of these inventors!
over 3 years ago, Kristin Johnson
The OC Foundation and FFA are partnering to provide a meal to our farmers on Monday, October 18. You can sign a farmer in our area up by emailing jessbland@ocknights.org or calling 402-685-5661.
over 3 years ago, Jess Bland
Feed our Farmers
O-C FFA Land Judging! Here’s to you who marked Land Class II ! #OCFFA
over 3 years ago, Kylie Penke
Don’t forget to sign up 4th-6th graders!
over 3 years ago, Angie Meyer
Great day for district golf!
over 3 years ago, Jess Bland
District Golf
Mrs. Hagedorn's second graders are busy practicing their math strategies!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Lana Hagedorn
Practicing math strategies
Practicing math strategies
practicing math strategies
practicing math strategies
Mrs. Hagedorn's second graders are busy practicing their math strategies!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Lana Hagedorn
The after school program loved our day at Harvest Moon!
over 3 years ago, Alana Pearson
THANK YOU ROGER JOHNSON for your commitment to agriculture, youth , and our community! The JH Ag class had a wonderful time, and learned a lot about feeding and caring for cattle.
over 3 years ago, Kylie Penke
Due to the amount of rain we received, we will be requiring all children to sit in the bleachers at the football game this evening. We will not allow any playing in the grass or mud areas as we do not want to tear up our grounds. Our expectation will be that all children are seated in the bleachers and anyone under 12 should have parent/adult supervision. Questions can be directed to Jess Bland at jessbland@ocknights.org or 402-685-5661. Thank you and Go Knights!!
over 3 years ago, Jess Bland
October Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/ft9pu
over 3 years ago, Jess Bland
FFA District Dairy Judging… Let’s GOOOOOOO! #OCFFA
over 3 years ago, Kylie Penke
This smart second grader passed addition Xtra Math! Way to go!
over 3 years ago, Natalie Guenther
xtra math certificate
Oakland-Craig has job openings!
over 3 years ago, Jess Bland
Help Wanted!