The 6th grade has an awesome night for astronomy viewing tonight!
Thank you Burt County Emergency Management for taking time to come and teach us about safety. 1st grade had so much fun, especially telling our moms “your car is not a boat”! 😊
Second Graders were outside on a scavenger hunt, looking for different States of Matter.
What a great way to start Homecoming Week! “Run WILD in the WEST like our Cross Country team!”
Pop-it’s can be learning tools! In 1st grade today we worked on our short a words by popping the sounds, then wrote the letters to match the sounds!
Color mixing and teamwork in 4th grade art
Students used the engineering design process in this stick raft challenge. They worked in teams to construct a raft that could float, hold weighted objects and survive a waterfall.
O-C FFA Dairy Team finishes in the top half in state competition! The team also enjoyed the State Fair sites, including Trivia Tractor Trivia and Made It Myself snow cones (from Tekamah)! Great job preparing and representing our school so well! #OCFFA
🤩🎉It’s Good Call Friday! These amazing kiddos got a phone call home to share the awesome things they are doing at school! 👏
Back by popular demand! The OC dance team is selling youth uniforms as well as a new T-shirt design! Order forms will be coming home with elementary kids, junior high and high school students pick yours up in the HS office!
1st grade is studying how habits of character, such as Initiative, collaboration and perseverance, help us do work! They had to collaborate with their squad to complete a challenge.
Kindergarteners are exploring lots of new toys and becoming play experts as they work together exchanging ideas.
Party Like It's KNIGHTeen Seventy!! Homecoming 2021! September 7-10!
Thank you Rosa at the Oakland Library for having the after school students each week. This week K-3 did story time and the older students did a dictionary challenge.
What are your plans for Friday nights this fall? Our football team has plans:
Elementary teachers collaborating through Design Challenges at their staff meeting! ⚙️🧠🤔
Mrs. Lafleur's English class doing some book tastings in the library. Tasting what books they might enjoy this year. Thanks for visiting!
It’s picture day at Oakland-Craig!
Second graders learned about owls and then designed their own.
The after school students ended the week with a FUN day at the park.