FFA District Dairy Judging… Let’s GOOOOOOO! #OCFFA
This smart second grader passed addition Xtra Math! Way to go!
Oakland-Craig has job openings!
FFA District Dairy Judging… Let’s GOOOOOOO! #OCFFA
FFA District Dairy Judging… Let’s GOOOOOOO! #OCFFA
Dance T-shirts have arrived! They will be handed out tomorrow at school.. if you ordered a youth uniform they are not in yet, but will get them to you as soon as they arrive! Thanks for supporting your OC Dance Team!
The OC Board of Education would like to express their appreciation to all those that volunteered their time and efforts in replacing the planks at the football field. This work would not have been possible without so many dedicated volunteers. Thank you!
Second Graders enjoyed the high school's reptile presentation.
The 6th grade science class is doing an activity with popsicle sticks to show the transfer between potential and kinetic energy.
3rd Grade Treehouses
It’s happening! We have created, tested and revised! Some of the problems we solved were: organizing classroom materials, calming sensory station, signs to get to our first grade classroom, reminders not to run or be loud in the hallways. Next up… writing about the process!
In 5th grade science we are learning about properties of matter so we made our own slime.
In 5th grade science we are learning about properties of matter so we made our own slime.
Recently the 6th grade went to Summit Lake for their annual sixth grade conservation day. We learned about soil samples, the water cycle, forestry, area animals, and plant life.
Some of the best looks at JVFB happen at the concession stand!!
Thanks to Andrew and Emma from Burt County Emergency Management and Oakland Fire and Rescue for teaching us basic fire safety and how to use a fire extinguisher.
The fifth grade science class was able to see Mrs. Nelson’s freshman class do their presentations on reptiles.
We are using the On the Nature Trail book to teach students in our outdoor education series. Students learned about insects then went outside to make a big hotel. This allows insects to have a winter vacation spot.😀
The day has finally arrived! After a week of brainstorming classroom problems we could solve, making a plan, and gathering materials… we get to begin creating our Magnificent Things to help solve some classroom problems! Stay tuned this week to see what 1st grade creates!
6th grade students in Mrs. Charling’s class collaborated in reading to answer text-dependent questions. Students were engaged and motivated. We are very proud of these students!