Tonight’s program:
Come hear some groovy music as OC junior high and high school musicians showcase their talents at the pops concert! 7 P.M. in the new gym. #Knights
We are looking forward to the junior and senior high pops concert tomorrow night, February 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the new gym! The students have been working hard to showcase their talent!
Oakland-Craig Public Schools is hiring! Please help us spread the word!
Oakland-Craig Public Schools is excited to announce that Mrs. MacKenzie Charling has been selected as our Elementary Principal beginning in the fall of 2022. Be on the lookout for additional information introducing Mrs. Charling in her new role.
Ag Ed classes wrapped up FFA week with a fun day of country dance lessons! #OCFFA
Read Across America: February 28-March 4
Dress to impress and have some fun!
Genius Hour has begun in 1st grade! Everyone chose their own topic to research and eventually we’ll make presentations about what we learned! Our topics range from animals to athletics even the titanic!
Check out this week's Senior Spotlight, Lily Swenson!
OC is looking for full time custodial help. Please help us spread the word so we can fill this position immediately!
Results from EHC East:
River W. 2nd
Chaney N. 3rd
Caleb S. 3rd
Johnna P. 4th
Grant S. 5th
Mia L, Hannah D, Sadie N, Joplin T, Dawson M. 5th
Brayden S. 2nd
Hannah D. 3rd
Mia L. 3rd
Joplin T. 5th
Come support our OC Speech team as we host the EHC meet tomorrow, February 23rd. All speeches will be held at OC Elementary. #GoKnights #Speech
District FFA Career Development Events—Round 1!!!
Are you interested in riding the O-C Student Fan bus this Friday to the Girls Basketball District Final Game in O'Neill? If so, please check your student email to sign up. $5 for the bus and $5 for game entry. Go Knights!
Here is Hogwarts school in action! Thanks to Ms. Rayburn for working so hard to make this fun for our students.
The elementary library would like to thank those who donated in memory of Dorthy Wallace, an OC elementary teacher for 31 years. Fifteen books were purchased and a nameplate will go inside the front cover honoring Mrs. Wallace.
From GACC, Results
River Wallerstedt- 5th
Grant Seagren- 6th
Natalie Christensen- 4th
Amy Snader- 6th
Grace Petersen- 6th
Elijah Gahan- 6th
Lillian Ehlers- 5th
From GACC, Finals
Varsity Entertainment- River Wallerstedt
Varsity Informative- Grant Seagren
JV Entertainment- Natalie Christensen
JV Serious Prose- Amy Snader & Grace Petersen
JV Informative- Elijah Gahan & Lillian Ehlers
Check out this week's Senior Spotlight, Tavis Uhing! Not only is Tavis our Senior Spotlight, he is also competing at State Wrestling this week! Way to go Tavis!
Thank you for making this our most successful spring Scholastic Book Fair yet!
The profits from this fair go right back into classroom libraries and into the hands of your students. Your continued support is greatly appreciated!