Congratulations to our new National Honor Society members: Brennan Ahrens, Piper Beltz, Shea Crimmins, Brooke Denton, Madison Enstrom, Karley Eriksen, Emmet Johnson, Valerie Lierman, Nolan Magnusson, Dawson Meyer, Bailey Pelan, Adi Rennerfeldt, Anisten Rennerfeldt, and Trevor Weitzenkamp. The formal induction ceremony will take place during Academic Awards Night May 9th.
This smart second grader just passed her multiplication facts on Xtra Math! Great job!!
6th graders are busy making birdhouses for the 1st grade to design as part of their EL Education curriculum.
Artwork from EHC Art Show is currently being displayed in the elementary library and the 1st graders are loving it. Stop down to see all the amazing work in the library and through the hallways! It will be moving to the high school library this week!
Check out today's Senior Spotlight, Owen Anderson!
Two hours away! Pizza is provided!
The OC 6th grade science class was able to extract DNA from a strawberry and view it through a microscope.
The artwork from the EHC Art Show will be on display in the Elementary library and hallway. It can also be viewed during District Music Contest.
Join us for BINGO tomorrow night! Pizza provided! Bring the family!
Check out today's Senior Spotlight, Carlee Warren!
REMINDER! Tomorrow is bank day!
Check out this article in on Oakland Craig's Marathon Kids running program.
Below is our District Music Contest schedule for this Friday. It will be a great day for making music, and our students are excited to share and perform all they have been doing!
SH Band will perform at 9:35 in the elementary gym (warm up at 9:05)
Morgan P. and Garrett S. will perform at 10:20 in Mrs. Anderson's room
Shelby P. and Kali C. will perform at 10:28 in Mrs. Anderson's room
Dawson M., Shelby P., Emily R., and River W. will perform at 11:42 in Mr. Ware's room
Emma J. will perform at 11:56 in Mrs. Rennerfeldt's room
Emily R. will perform at 12:04 in Mrs. Rennerfeldt's room
Abigail S. will perform at 12:12 in Mrs. Rennerfeldt's room
SH Choir will perform at 12:50 in the high school gym (warm up at 12:20)
OC Trivia Night was a huge success, raising over $12,000 for our student activities! Thank you to all of our volunteers, emcees (Gus Ray & Tyler Hartwell), donors, and participants! A special thank you to Zack Krutilek at Tilted Table for his generous donation and support throughout the entire event! Another special thank you to Mrs. Magnusson for her work in getting the basket raffle lined up and to Steve Peterson for auctioning off a few items. We can't wait until next year!
We are looking for volunteers to help our District Music Contest go smoothly for our Knights. Please click on the following link to learn what our needs are for this Friday:!/showSignUp/30e044ca4af23a2f49-district
Congratulations to our OC artists who brought home 23 ribbons (most ribbons awarded) from the EHC Art Show held in Clarkson. Well done excelling in a wide range of art media and showcasing your originality. High Distinction ribbons were given to Amy Snader in collage, Charli Webster in charcoal and acrylics, and Korene Johnson in photography.
Natalie Christensen: Distinction (Blue)- Oil Pastel
Sydney Guzinski: Distinction (Blue)- Mixed Media
Emma Johansen: Honorable Mention (White)- Collage
Caulin Johnson: Distinction (Blue)- Mixed Media; Honorable (Red)- Marker
Korene Johnson: High Distinction (Purple)- Photography; Honorable Mention (White)- Photography
Laryn Johnson: Distinction (Blue)- Colored Pencil
Maycie Johnson: Honorable Mention (White)- Mixed Media; Distinction (Blue)- Acrylic; Honorable Mention (White)- Computer Art
Reagan Johnson: Honorable (Red)- Watercolor
Chaney Nelson: Distinction (Blue)- Ink; Honorable (Red)- Acrylic; Honorable (Red)- Wheel Thrown Pottery
Adi Rennerfeldt: Honorable (Red)- Oil Pastel; Honorable Mention (White)- Collage; Distinction (Blue)- Handbuilt Pottery
Amy Snader: High Distinction (Purple) - Collage
Joplin Tague: Honorable Mention (White)- Photography
Charli Webster: High Distinction (Purple) - Charcoal; High Distinction (Purple) - Acrylic
Whitni Webster: Distinction (Blue)- Watercolor
Check out today's Senior Spotlight, Luke Richards!
Meeting Notice: Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Oakland-Craig, in the County of Burt, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a School District No. 014, has been scheduled on April 17, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Oakland-Craig Elementary Building at Oakland, NE, in the Board meeting room, which meeting will be open to the public. Public access to the Board meeting is also available by clicking on the link posted on the district’s website at
The agenda is available for public inspection at the office of the Superintendent or on the district’s website at
There will be an OC PTO Meeting on Monday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!
This smart second grader just passed her multiplication facts on Xtra Math! Great job!!