Basketball shirt orders are due November 21st by noon! Orders can be turned in to the Elementary or High School Offices
Printable order form is available for download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Elznl6xv97DnRq6MaHi9AIuTO8uKV0Ii/view?usp=drive_link

Please join us for our dance teams annual OCKD Dance clinic and Performance. Information and registrations came home Monday with students, junior high please pick yours up in the office. Due back this Friday!

Our school store remains open until November 19. Order in time for the holidays!

Burt County Schools Winter Clothing Drive: Items can be dropped off at the Burt County Assessor's Office

Elementary families, please join us on November 14th for Title 1 Literacy Night. From 4-6pm the elementary will be hosting an open house with a hot cocoa bar, crafts, activities, and reading fun!

It is almost time for our first public performance of the year for our Play Production team!
Stop up to OCHS for our 2:00 p.m. performance of, "Antigone in Munich."

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Oakland-Craig, in the County of Burt, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a School District No. 014, has been scheduled on November 13, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Oakland-Craig Elementary Building at Oakland, NE, in the Board meeting room, which meeting will be open to the public. Public access to the Board meeting is also available by clicking on the link posted on the district’s website at https://striv.tv/channel/oakland-craig/.
The agenda is available for public inspection at the office of the Superintendent or on the district’s website at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5epgyF4XIc2X1pvUEZOU2Z2c3M.

Just 5 days away from Family Literacy Night! Join in on the fun! Featuring our Tonieboxes, reading apps for families, a scavenger hunt and more! Hot chocolate and cookies provided.

These OC Knights currently taking a Cultural Connection Native History class are taking a tour of Washington DC!

Help me congratulate this smart second grader. She just passed multiplication in Xtra Math! Great job!

Check out this week's Senior Spotlight, Jesse Droescher!

Preschoolers spent the morning exploring pumpkins!

This smart second grader passed his addition facts on XtraMath! Congratulations !!

OCHS is currently selling O-C X-Grain backpacks!
Please click the following link to order: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGSXTLNvGZvolMOIK0-7r2aB9Cj6675PT2lk4mEzqsZnh6-w/viewform?usp=sf_link
Orders and money are due to the O-C elementary or high school offices by November 13th at 9:00 a.m.
Please contact the OCHS Office with details.

The 8th grade field trip is coming up tomorrow! Permission forms and pre-destined forms are due before getting on the bus. The building is open at 7:30 a.m., and the bus will depart at 7:50 a.m. for PBA! More information is on the OCHS Daily Announcements tab on the O-C website.
Email reminders have been sent to students that do not have their permission form and/or pre-destined in.

We have opened up the O-C store for the holidays! Orders will be due November 19th!

Mr. Meyer's 6th graders are grateful for the hats! Go Knights Go!!

Students will be coming home with these OC hats today… They are theirs to keep. Please keep track of them as they are for OC Spirit! Wear them in the crowd and be loud and proud at state volleyball this weekend, and all upcoming events!

Halloween was a scary good time in 1st grade!

Help me congratulate this smart second grader! He just passed his addition facts on XtraMath!