Mrs. Case’s second grade celebrated Valentine’s Day with activities, treats, and fun. Happy Valentine’s Day!
almost 5 years ago, Alaina Roche
Valentine’s Day
Graph the Candy Hearts
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Author’s Chair: Mrs. Case’s second grade celebrated the end of their nonfiction writing unit by sharing the books they created with their classmates.
almost 5 years ago, Alaina Roche
Happy Valentine’s Day from 1st grade!
almost 5 years ago, Kristin Johnson
1st grade Valentine’s Day
Congratulations to Sam Linder for earning 4th place in Nebraska VFW's Voice of Democracy.
almost 5 years ago, Elyce Peterson
Congratulations to Junior Ashten Rennerfeldt for being accepted into UNL’s Statewide High School Invitational Exhibition. The exhibition will be open for viewing March 2-13 in the EH Gallery on campus.
almost 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
“I learned that most of the time your idea of your end result doesn't always end up how you pictured it. There are lots of bumps that you have to get over in order to get your art how you want it, and sometimes those bumps lead you into different paths to different end results. This art work has helped me grow to be less one-minded and more open-minded to different ideas and paths I can take in any situations of my life.” -Senior Megan Bousquet
almost 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Burt Co Spelling Bee 6th Grade Participants
almost 5 years ago, Lorrie Frank
Sonya G., Asa, Madeline P., & Grace W.
Friendly Reminder: No School tomorrow (Feb. 13) due to PT Conferences from 12:00 to 8:00pm in the elementary. A book fair and e-funds sign up for lunch will be available. Due to district wrestling, dismissal times on Friday (Feb. 14) will be 1:15 elementary and 1:25 for H.S.
almost 5 years ago, O-C Schools
A special thanks to Lucas Niewohner, a high school student from Tekamah Herman who brings his passion for Robotics and spends each Tuesday teaching our after school students how to build and program the robots. Also a huge shout out to Gerald Brand for always supporting our tech needs!
almost 5 years ago, Alana Pearson
After school students are working with Jordan Luxa from UNL extension. Today they made pepperoni tortilla pizza.
almost 5 years ago, Alana Pearson
Scholastic Book Fair Thursday 12-8pm in the elementary.
almost 5 years ago, Elyce Peterson
book fair
Kindergarten is learning about Forces in Science class. They had a Push and Pull contest!
almost 5 years ago, Marla Slaughter
Push and Pull Contest!
Last Thursday, OC 4th-6th graders had the opportunity to create mixed-media heart paintings at Cookies & Canvas. Thanks OC Dance Team for hosting this event for our young artists.
almost 5 years ago, Angie Meyer
Mrs. Case’s second grade class: Germ Experiment- After 4 weeks, all of the touched samples have mold. The bread handled with a gloved-hand is still mold free.
almost 5 years ago, Alaina Roche
Conclusions: Hands need to be cleaned well before eating or handling food.
We learned that second graders may not be washing their hands as well as they should.
Mrs. Hagedorn's science class is creating landforms with play dough
almost 5 years ago, Mrs. Lana Hagedorn
Second Graders creating landform from play dough
Creating landforms with play dough
2020 EHC Champs!
almost 5 years ago, Erin Peterson
Mr. Meyer’s 5th grade class is learning how to measure matter using a balance scale.
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Meyer
Mr. Meyer’s 4th grade class is learning the differences between a solution and a suspension.
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Meyer
Flywheels are on, where do these wires go, what are these two things for?
almost 5 years ago, Rick Morphew
Two unknowns
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Oakland-Craig, in the County of Burt, in the State of Nebraska, a/k/a School District No. 014, has been scheduled on February 10, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Oakland-Craig Elementary Building at Oakland, NE, in the Board meeting room, which meeting will be open to the public.
almost 5 years ago, Julie Ehlers